Manage Archive Database

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  1. What Are Archive Bus Stops For?
  2. How to Create Archive Bus Stops
  3. Create an Archive Database
  4. Test Database Connection and Version
  5. Update Database Schema
  6. Test Distributed Transaction Capabilities

What Are Archive Bus Stops For?

Archive Bus Stops can be configured to look for specific message types for specific operations on the bus. The messages are recorded in an Archive database which can then be referenced for historical data. This data can also be used by ATS ARS and other reporting and analysis systems to generate production and quality reports.

How to Create Archive Bus Stops

To create a bus stop that will communicate with equipment on the shop floor you need to carry out the following steps:

Create Master Data

Create Message Channels

Create Bus Stops

Install Bus Stops

Create an Archive Database

Archived messages are stored in a separate archive database which can be created directly from Cockpit.

If an existing database name is used the database will be deleted and a new one created. All existing data will be lost.

Select the Archive Bus Stop tab.

Click Archive Bus Stops.

A list of the existing bus stops is shown.

Click Add to create a new bus stop or select an existing bus stop and click Edit.

The Archive bus stop dialog opens.

Select the Database Configuration tab.

Select the Database Type (Microsoft SQL or Oracle)

Enter the Database Server. The user should provide the server instance in one of the following ways:

Hostname or IP: for default instance

Hostname\Instance or IP\instance: for a specific instance

Enter the Database Name.

This cannot be equal to the ATS Bus configuration database.

Enter a Login and Password for the database.

The user must have a DBO role on the database.

Enter an Administrator login and password. The administrator must have elevated rights.

The User login must be different from the Administrator login. The user login is used by the archive bus stop to put messages in the archiving database.

Click Create Database.

The database is created.

Test Database Connection and Version

The Test Connection button is used to test if the user provided can connect to the given database and whether the database should be updated to a newer version. This is used when providing an existing ATS Bus archiving database.

While editing an Archive bus stop select the Database Configuration tab.

If not already entered, enter the Archive database details as described above.

Click Test Connection.

The connection to the database is confirmed and the version of the database is displayed. If it isn't the latest version it will say so.

If needed click Update Database Schema.

The database is updated to the latest schema.

Update Database Schema

An existing database can be updated to the latest schema as follows.

While editing an Archive bus stop select the Database Configuration tab.

If not already entered, enter the Archive database details as described above.

Click Test Connection.

The connection to the database is confirmed and the version of the database is displayed. If it isn't the latest version it will say so.

Click Update Database Schema.

The database is updated to the latest schema.

Test Distributed Transaction Capabilities

Click Test Distributed Transaction Capabilities to check that the archive database can work within the network.

This is only for use when testing an MS DTC configuration.

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